Material collected: gilled mushroom
Habit: 3 compact clumps
Color of top surface: 5 orange
Secondary color top surface: 4 yellow/gold
Hymenium color when young: 2 light gray
Hymenium color when mature: 11 dark brown
Spore length: 7.5
Spore width: 4
Smell: 2 mild/none
Flesh hardness: 2 firm, fleshy
Cap shape when mature: 3 convex to plane
Cap shape in center: 2 even or flat
Cap color with age: 8 tan - light brown
Cap width: 100
Cap surface texture: 2 smooth
Cap stickiness: 1 dry
Cap flesh color: 1 white
Flesh fracture: 3 fibrous-tears easier in one direction
Cap edge: 4 veil remnants
Stipe width: 50
Stipe length: 300
Gill attachment: 1 adnate
Gills break from cap: No
cystidia: only on sides of gills