Near Trans Canada Trail
Capilano River Regional Park,
5077 Capilano Rd.,
North Vancouver
7VR 4K4
70 m
28/10/2023 (DD/MM/YYYY)
GeneBank Accession Number
Morphological Description
Growing on the sides of the log, other shelf mushrooms on the same log.
Color: Brown
Surface: Moist
Veil remnants: None
Margin: Uplifted
Odor: Earthy mushroom, relatively strong
Latex: Transparent, small amount, leaves slight film on hands
Hymenphore: light brown
Mature: light brown
Attachment: Adnate
Spacing: close
Thickness: Moderate
Consistency: fleshy
Margin: even
Lamellulae: yes, truncate
Stipe: None/sessile
Partial veil: None
Universal veil: None
Bruising/staining: turned darker brown after harvesting
Strong earthy smell
Bean shaped
Smooth, no ornamentation
7-9 µm x 3-5 µm
Thick walls
Material collected: gilled mushroom
Habit: 2 numerous or trooping, but not in clumps
Color of top surface: 11 dark brown
Secondary color top surface: 8 tan - light brown
Spore print color: 17 none - no stains or not applicable
Hymenium color when young: 17 none - no stains or not applicable
Hymenium color when mature: 17 none - no stains or not applicable
Spore length: 8.5
Spore width: 4
Smell: 6 other
Flesh hardness: 1 soft-spongy, including gelatinous
Cap shape when mature: 3 convex to plane
Cap shape from above: 3 fan or tongue shape
Cap color with age: 11 dark brown
Cap stain color: 17 none - no stains or not applicable
Cap surface texture: 3 rough, wrinkled, cracked, warts
Cap stickiness: 3 sticky or slimy when wet
Cap has concentric zones of color: No
Cap stalk easily part: No
Cap flesh color: 8 tan - light brown
Cap flesh stain color: 17 none - no stains or not applicable
Flesh toughness: 2 easy to break or tear, but not fragile
Flesh fracture: 3 fibrous-tears easier in one direction
Cap margin surface: 1 pleated, grooved, streaked, or ribbed(edge)
Cap edge: 3 scalloped
Hymenium stain color: 17 none - no stains or not applicable
Latex color: 17 none - no stains or not applicable
Latex stain color: 17 none - no stains or not applicable
Reaction Melzer's color: 2 light gray
Spore shape: 1 bean shaped
Spore ornamentation: none
cystidia: Cheilocystidia, seaweed like