Browse Record

Family All  in  the  Family
Accession Number 123123
Genus Genus
Species Species
Species Author Species  Author
Country Canada
Province_State British  Columbia
Location Location
Latitude 49.666
Longitude   -123.111
Altitude 80  m
Date 23/10/2021    (DD/MM/YYYY)
GeneBank Accession Number 123123
Morphological Description
Collector Berbee  Test  Carmean  Collector  aa
Number Collection  #1aa
Other Collectors Other  Collectors  Friends 
Determined by Determined  by  me
Host Substratum Host  Substratum
Notes Notes
Habitat Habitat
DNA  sequence  in  GeneBank
Name  of  Sequencer
Specimen Images
Image of 2001Hardy_DNADSCN4636.JPG
Cap  shape  when  mature 1 conical/bell  shape
material  collected jelly  fungus
morphology  summary Material  collected:  jelly  fungus
Cap  shape  when  mature:  1 conical/bell  shape
Time  Modified 16:57:30
Date  Created 22/08/2024
mycology project ID 1006