Near the Capilano Salmon Hatchery (on Capilano Park Road); Capilano River Regional Park, North Vancouver
N49 21.37'
W123 06.64'
100 m
26/10/2002 (DD/MM/YYYY)
GeneBank Accession Number
Morphological Description
colour of cap ranges from dark-brown or medium-brown with silvery undertones to dark gray. The stipe is a similar color but sometimes a little lighter in shade
-Cap flavor: slowly peppery (after about 4 seconds)
-Latex is milky-white and it does not change color readily (even after 5 hours of exposure)
-No obvious staining of the gills of cap tissue
-Spores are broadly ellipsoid, and amyloid ornamentations which form a reticulum. The spore ornamentation is 0.5-1 micrometers tall.
-I was not able to get a spore print.
-Basidia are clavate
-Pleurocystidia: macrocystidia 60-90 X 7-11 micrometers and are elongate-fusoid. Cheilocystidia present (similar in shape to macrocystidia but smaller).
-Lactifers throughout gill and cap tissue
-Sphaerocysts are numerous in the cap tissue
-Note that usually Lactarius pseudomucidus has a stipe that is fragile and breaks like chalk. Many of my specimens have stipes that are a little bendy. This might be because of unusual whether conditions (perhaps the weather was drier than usual and the stems were a bit "limp")
Allison E. Stewart (1) / Mary Berbee (2)
A. E. S. = 2 / M. B. s.n.
Other Collectors
collection 1: Alison L. Fischer, Susan-Ann J. Hardy, and Gina Choe / collection 2: none
Determined by
Gina Choe
Host Substratum
There are two collections from different areas within the same "location". Specimens from collection 1 and 2 are from the same habitat as well. Specimen used for DNA analysis is in collection 1.
On ground (humus) of coniferous forest. Near hemlock.
DNA sequence in GeneBank
Name of Sequencer
Specimen Images
Cap shape when mature
3 convex to plane
material collected
gilled mushroom
morphology summary
Material collected: gilled mushroom
Habit: 2 numerous or trooping, but not in clumps
Color of top surface: 9 brown- use when other browns do not fit
Secondary color top surface: 15 black or dark gray
Spore print color: 17 none - no stains or not applicable
Hymenium color when young: 2 light gray
Hymenium color when mature: 8 tan - light brown
Spore length: 89
Spore width: 67
Smell: 2 mild/none
Taste: 1 acrid/peppery
Flesh hardness: 2 firm, fleshy
Cap shape when mature: 3 convex to plane
Cap shape in center: 3 depressed
Cap shape from above: 1 circular-even if wavy
Cap color with age: 9 brown- use when other browns do not fit
Cap stain color: 17 none - no stains or not applicable
Cap width: 35
Cap surface texture: 2 smooth
Cap stickiness: 3 sticky or slimy when wet
Cap has concentric zones of color: No
Cap stalk easily part: No
Cap hygrophanous: No
Cap flesh color: 2 light gray
Cap flesh stain color: 17 none - no stains or not applicable
Flesh toughness: 2 easy to break or tear, but not fragile
Flesh fracture: 4 brittle or crumbly
Cap cross section: 3 incurved
Cap margin surface: 2 smooth
Cap edge: 2 wavy or lobed
Stipe shape: 2 clavate
Stipe core: 1 solid
Stipe position: 2 off-center
Stipe flesh hardness: 2 firm, fleshy
Stipe flesh toughness: 2 easy to break or tear, but not fragile
Stipe flesh fracture: 2 irregular tear
Stipe flesh color: 2 light gray
Stipe flesh stain color: 17 none - no stains or not applicable
Stipe primary color: 9 brown- use when other browns do not fit
Stipe secondary color: 15 black or dark gray
Stipe stain color: 17 none - no stains or not applicable
Stipe surface texture: 10 smooth
Stipe width: .51
Stipe length: 4060
Gill attachment: 3 decurrent
Gill sawtooth edge: No
Hymenium stain color: 17 none - no stains or not applicable
Gills break from cap: No
Gills deliquescent: No
Gills mottled face: No
Gills waxy feel: No
Gills anastomosing: No
Gills forked: No
Ring type: 5 none
Partial veil type: 5 none
Ring location on stalk: 5 none
Ring number: 3 none
Ring color: 17 none - no stains or not applicable
Volva type: 6 none
Volva color: 17 none - no stains or not applicable
Latex color: 1 white
Latex stain color: 1 white
Reaction Melzer's color: 13 blue
Reaction potassium: 17 none - no stains or not applicable
Spore shape: 3 elliptical
Spore ornamentation: 2 rough
cystidia: 60-90 X 7-11 micrometers
cap cuticle type: filamentous, interwoven
trama type: interwoven