Very small, smooth cap and stem, moist on cap, no smell, tastes bitter
growing on a moss covered rock situated next to a small creek
DNA sequence in GeneBank
Name of Sequencer
Specimen Images
Cap shape when mature
3 convex to plane
material collected
gilled mushroom
morphology summary
Material collected: gilled mushroom
Habit: 2 numerous or trooping, but not in clumps
Color of top surface: 1 white
Secondary color top surface: 17 none - no stains or not applicable
Spore print color: 1 white
Hymenium color when young: 1 white
Hymenium color when mature: 1 white
Spore length: 7.5
Spore width: 5
Smell: 2 mild/none
Taste: 2 bitter
Flesh hardness: 1 soft-spongy, including gelatinous
Cap shape when mature: 3 convex to plane
Cap width: 10
Cap surface texture: 2 smooth
Cap stickiness: 5 moist feel
Cap has concentric zones of color: No
Cap stalk easily part: Yes
Cap flesh color: 1 white
Cap flesh stain color: 17 none - no stains or not applicable
Flesh toughness: 2 easy to break or tear, but not fragile
Stipe flesh color: 1 white
Stipe flesh stain color: 17 none - no stains or not applicable
Stipe primary color: 1 white
Stipe width: 1
Stipe length: 27
Gill attachment: 3 decurrent
Hymenium stain color: 17 none - no stains or not applicable
Ring type: 5 none
Spore shape: 1 bean shaped