Cap: 9-12 cm diam., 0.5-1.2 cm thick. Caps light gray when young; nearly white when mature. Caps convex when young, plane and slightly depressed in the center with age; the margin became more decurved and undulate with age. Cap surface dry and dull.
Stipe: Central, up to about 10.5 cm in length.
Stipes 13 mm wide at widest point and concolorous with cap.
Gills: Short decurrent, extending 0.5-1.1 cm down the stipe, not fragile, off-white in color and increasingly yellowish in age
Veil: Absent.
Microscopic Characteristics:
Basidiospores 5 X 3 µm (n=14)
Cap cuticle: a cutis with many clamped, cylindrical hyphae
Davinder Sidhu
Cap shape when mature
3 convex to plane
Cap shape in center
3 depressed
Cap shape from above
color of top surface
2 light gray
Secondary color top surface
Cap color with age
1 white
Cap stain color
Cap width
9-12 cm
Cap surface texture
Cap stickiness
1 dry
Cap has concentric zones of color
Cap stalk easily part
Cap hygrophanous
Cap flesh color
Cap flesh stain color
Flesh hardness
Flesh toughness
Flesh fracture
Cap cross section
Cap margin surface
Cap edge
Stipe shape
Stipe core
Stipe position
1 central
Stipe flesh hardness
Stipe flesh toughness
Stipe flesh fracture
Stipe flesh color
Stipe flesh stain color
Stipe primary color
Stipe secondary color
Stipe stain color
Stipe surface texture
Stipe width
13 mm
Stipe length
Gill attachment
3 decurrent
Gill collarium
Gill sawtooth edge
Hymenium color when young
1 white
Hymenium color when mature
4 yellow/gold
Hymenium stain color
Gills break from cap
Gills deliquescent
Gills mottled face
Gills secede from stalk
Gills waxy feel
Gills anastomosing
Gills forked
Ring type
Partial veil type
5 none
Ring location on stalk
Ring number
Ring color
Volva type
Volva color
6 sour
2 mild/none
Spore print color
Latex color
Latex stain color
Reaction ammonia color
Reaction ferrous sulphate color
Reaction Melzer's color
Reaction potassium
Spore shape
Spore ornamentation
Spore length
Spore width
3 um
material collected
gilled mushroom
trama type
cap cuticle type
Cutis with many clamped, cylindrical hyphae
clamp connections
morphology summary
Lyophyllum connatum looks similar, but lacks the undulate cap margin; hasslightly soapy feel to cap and has brown or tan cap (rather than whitish) color. Clitocybe subconnexa is similar too, but is reported to fruit inspring and has noticeably pink and r