Stroma: Cylindrical to clavate, carbonaceous, 2-5 cm tall. Base of stroma covered with hairs. Both conidial and ascogenous states present.
Conidial stage: Approximately the top third of the conidial stroma is dusted with white conidia. Conidia are small (about 3 µm in diam.) with a noticeable basal scar. Conidiophores were not observed.
Perithecia: appear as volcano-like bumps in the surface of the stroma; when mature, asci erupt from the perithecial cavity. Numerous paraphyses accompany the asci.
Asci are about 90 µm long, each with 8 ascospores, blue at the tips in Melzer's.
Ascospores are dark-coloured, about 10 µm long and surrounded by a mucilaginous sheath.