Cap: 2-4 cm broad, umbonate, brown at edge and dark brown at center. Dark brown striate from the center to the edge. Surface is generally smooth with a little bit scaly feeling. Straight and entire margin. Not viscid. 0.3-3.8 cm thick at center.
Soft texture.
Gills: Attached, close, very light brown. Even entire edge.
Stalk: 4-7 cm long, 0.5-2 cm thick, equal, long in proportion to the cap. Brown with white powdery color. Central. No volva. A little bit longitudinally striated. Pliable.
Veil: Was not observed
Spore Print: Brown
Microscopic Characteristics:
Spore shape: elliptical, smooth with noticeable thinning of the spore wall at the narrow spore apex , 9-10 X 6 µm (n=2).
Cystidia: Thick walled, capitate