Capilano Fungi

Record List

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1 Russula emetica Collection
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S.  Fernandez
Image of 2022_stack_0199.JPG
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
2 Fomitiporia tsugina Murrill  (1907) Collection
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River  Knockaert River  Knockaert
Image of 2022_8259.jpeg
Basidiomycota pored  wood  decay  fungus
3 Russula nigricans Fr.  1838 Collection
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Shaoxuan  Peng Syd  Blum,  Athena  Varghese Shaoxuan  Peng
Image of 2022_8445.jpeg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
4 Nidula candida (Peck)  V.S.  White Collection
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Elliott  Evans Mary  Clare  Kendrick,  Maddie  Filewych Elliott  Evans
Image of 2022_stack_0130.JPG
Basidiomycota other
5 Xylaria hypoxylon Collection
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Emily  Trudeau Lilli  Chung
Image of 2022_8394.jpeg
Ascomycota other
6 Tapinella panuoides E.  -J.  Gilbert Collection
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Alex  Reitan A.  Lacey,  A.  Shaw,  L.  Petersons Alex  Reitan
Image of 2022_8220.jpeg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
7 Collection
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8 Coltricia perennis (L.)  Murril Collection
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Audrey  Lacey Audrey  Lacey
Image of 2022_stack_0191.JPG
Basidiomycota pored  mushroom
9 Aleuria aurantia (Pers.)  Fuckel Collection
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Andrea  Richter Andrea  Richter
Image of 2022_8374.jpeg
Ascomycota apothecium
10 Lyophyllum L.  decastes Ian  Gibson Collection
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Yuxin  Zhu Yuxin  Zhu
Image of 2022_8284.jpeg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
11 Strobilurus  trullisatus Murrill  1916 Collection
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Tizha  (Cristina)  Shi  Zhang Tizha  (Cristina)  Shi  Zhang
Image of 2022_8347.jpeg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
12 Hygrocybe constans Murrill Collection
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Roya  Farkhani Roya  Farkhani
Image of 2022_8389.jpeg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
13 Apioperdon pyriforme A.  Vizzini Collection
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J.  Fernandes J.  Yuen,  K.  Tran,  and  S.  Sidhu J.  Fernandes
Image of 2022_8343.jpeg
Image of 2022_8346.jpeg
Basidiomycota other
14 Abortiporus biennis (Bull.)  Singer,  1944 Collection
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Kristina  Toporkova Kristina  Toporkova
Image of 2022_toporkova.jpg
Basidiomycota pored  wood  decay  fungus
15 Lepiota subincarnata J.E.  Lange Collection
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Aleksander  Walter n/a Aleksander  Walter
Image of 2022_walter.jpg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
16 Collection
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17 Collection
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18 Collection
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19 Mycena abramsii (Murrill)  Murrill Collection
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Faye  Coldwell Sean  Chung,  Megan  Wong,  Vanessa  Chow Sean  Chung
Image of IMG_4945.jpeg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
20 Crepidotus subverrucisporius Pilát Collection
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Teresa  Lei Chen  Wei,  Xin  Yi Teresa  Lei
Image of PA282312.jpeg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
21 lactarius subviscidus Hesler  &  A.H.  Sm. Collection
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Ziyi  Wang Cayley Ziyi  Wang
Image of PA282472.jpeg
Ascomycota gilled  mushroom
22 Galerina atkinsoniana  cf. A.H.  Sm. Collection
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Ekjaap  Athwal Annabelle  Knutson Annabelle  Knutson
Image of IMG_4852.jpeg
Image of PA282362.jpeg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
23 Xerocomellus zelleri (Murrill)  Klofac Collection
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Faye  Coldwell Sean  Chung,  Megan  Wong,  Vanessa  Chow Faye  Coldwell
Image of IMG_4942.jpeg
Image of 3 convex to plane
Image of Basidiomycota
Image of pored mushroom
Basidiomycota pored  mushroom
24 Galerina semilanceata (Peck)  A.H.  Sm.  &  Singer Collection
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Lauren  Brown Freya  Zhu,  Isabella  Factor,  Simon  Mattern  Lauren  Brown
Image of PA282428.jpeg
Image of PA282426.jpeg
Image of PA282424.jpeg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
25 Hypholoma dispersum Quél. Collection
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Azalea  Redfern Lucas  Braun,  Faezeh  Aliabadi Azalea  Redfern
Image of PA282490.jpeg
Image of PA282486.jpeg
Image of PA282484.jpeg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
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