Capilano Fungi

Record List

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1 Pholiota flammans   (Batsch)  P.  Kumm.  1871 Collection
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Isabella  Factor Freya  Zhu,  Simon  Mattern,  Lauren  Brown Isabella  Factor
Image of PA282544.jpeg
Image of PA282543.jpeg
Image of PA282537.jpeg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
2 Pleurotus pulmonarius (Fr.)  Quél.  1872 Collection
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Linda  Au Kira  Ptak Linda  Au
Image of IMG_4951.jpeg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
3 Russula viridofusca Grund  Collection
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Kiana  Bowen Adam  Gierej,  Wenson  Wu Kiana  Bowen
Image of PA282290.jpeg
Image of PA282291.jpeg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
4 Russula Turci Bres.  1882 Collection
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Bo  Yang  Sung  Ik  Lee,  Justin  Chan,  Katherine  Liu Sung  Ik  Lee  (2023)
Image of PA282241.jpeg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
5 Russula pseudotsugarum Bazzic.,  D.  Mill.  &  Buyck Collection
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Mary  Berbee Mary  Berbee
Image of Daniyal_Khuhro_IMG_8305.jpg
Image of Daniyal_Khuhro_IMG_8300.jpg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
6 Xeromphalina enigmatica Kühner  &  Maire Collection
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Kalen  Dofher Daniyal    Khuhro,    Gia    Khanna Kalen  Dofher
Image of PA282423.jpeg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
7 Clitocybe vibecina (Fr.)  Quél. Collection
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Bo  Yang Sung  Ik  Lee,  Justin  Chan,  Kathy  Liu Bo  Yang
Image of PA282257.jpeg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
8 Cyclocybe erebia (Fr.)  Vizzini  &  Matheny Collection
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Kira  Ptak Linda  Au Kira  Ptak
Image of PA282337.jpeg
Image of PA282338.jpeg
Image of PA282345.jpeg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
9 Hypholoma capnoides (Fr.)  P.  Kumm. Collection
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Jayni  Chang Ravreen  Bajwa Jayni  Chang
Image of PA282225.jpeg
Image of PA282223.jpeg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
10 Russula R.  brevipes  J.P  Fiard  &  D.N  Pegler  Collection
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Anika  Santos Ashley  Escárraga  Anika  Santos 
Image of PA282414.jpeg
Image of PA282407.jpeg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
11 Inocybe aff.  geophylla P.  Kummer,  1871 Collection
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Sarandeep  Khella Danielle  De  Martin Danielle  De  Martin
Image of PA282441.jpeg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
12 Clavulina coralloides (L.)  J.  Schröt Collection
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Noah  Pugh  Martin Jamie  You,  Cayley  Clark,  Ziyi  Wang Cayley  Clark
Image of IMG_4892.jpeg
Image of PA282449.jpeg
Basidiomycota coral
13 Mycena   leptocephala  aff. Mycena  leptocephala  by  Gillet,  C.C,  1874 Collection
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Freya  Zhu Isabella  Factor,  Simon  Mattern,  Lauren  Brown  Freya  Zhu 
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Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
14 Hydropus marginellus (Pers.)  Singer Collection
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Ravreen  Bajwa Ravreen  Bajwa
Image of PA282215.jpeg
Image of PA282219.jpeg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
15 Mycena haematopus (Pers.)  P.  Kumm. Collection
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Cayley  Clark Jamie  You,  Ziyi  Wang,  Noah  Pugh  Martin Jamie  You
Image of PA282458.jpeg
Image of PA282456.jpeg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
16 Phaeolus aff.  schweinitzii (Fr.)  Pat. Collection
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Noah  Pugh  Martin Jamie  You,  Cayley  Clark Noah  Pugh  Martin
Image of PA282471.jpeg
Image of PA282470.jpeg
Image of PA282465.jpeg
Image of PA282464.jpeg
Basidiomycota pored  wood  decay  fungus
17 Mycena epipterygia (Scop.)  Gray  Collection
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Hunter  Norminton Ekjaap  Athwal Hunter  Norminton
Image of PA282348.jpeg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
18 Hygrocybe conica (Schaeff.)  P.  Kumm. Collection
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Katherine  Liu Sung  Ik  Lee,  Bo  Yang,  Justin  Chan Katherine  Liu
Image of PA282236.jpeg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
19 Cystidiopostia hibernica (Berk.  &  Broome)  B.K.  Cui,  L.L.  Shen  &  Y.C.  Dai Collection
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Simon  Mattern   Freya  Zhu,  Isabella  Factor,  Lauren  Brown Simon  Mattern
Image of PA282435.jpeg
Basidiomycota pored  wood  decay  fungus
20 Hypholoma capnoides (Fr.)  P.  Kumm. Collection
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Adam  Gierej Kiana  Bowen,  Wenson  Wang Adam  Gierej
Image of PA282227.jpeg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
21 Hypholoma dispersum Quél. Collection
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Chenwei  Wu Teresa  Lei,  XinYi  Li Chenwei  Wu
Image of PA282317.jpeg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
22 Cortinarius hirtus (Velen.)  G.  Garnier Collection
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Ashley  Escárraga Ashley  Escárraga
Image of PA282382.jpeg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
23 Boletopsis aff.  grisea   (Peck)  Bondartsev  &  Singer Collection
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Justin  Chan Sung  Ik  Lee,  Kathy  Liu,  Bo  Wang Justin  Chan
Image of PA282255.jpeg
Basidiomycota pored  mushroom
24 Coprinellus micaeus (Bull.)  Vilgalys,  Hopple  &  Jacq.  Johnson Collection
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Xin  Yi  Li Teresa  Lei,  Chen  Wei Xin  Yi  Li
Image of PA282296.jpeg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
25 Cortinarius sp. Collection
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Gia  Khanna Mary  Berbee
Image of PA282528.jpeg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
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