Capilano Fungi

Record List

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1 Entoloma serrulatum  aff.  PNW07   (Fr.)  Hesler Collection
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Anna  Praski Anne  Fuertes Anna  Praski
Image of IMG_4972.jpeg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
2 Panellus longinquus Singer  (Berk.) Collection
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Dagny  Lin Azalea  Redfern,  Lucas  Braun,  Kania  Sugiarto Kania  Sugiarto
Image of PA282497.jpeg
Image of PA282496.jpeg
Image of PA282495.jpeg
Image of PA282494.jpeg
Image of PA282493.jpeg
Image of PA282492.jpeg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
3 Panellus longinquus (Berk.)  Singer,  1951 Collection
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Kania  Sugiarto Azalea  Redfern,  Dagny  Lin,  Lucas  Braun Lucas  Braun
Image of PA282553.jpeg
Image of PA282552.jpeg
Image of PA282551.jpeg
Image of PA282550.jpeg
Image of PA282549.jpeg
Image of PA282548.jpeg
Image of PA282547.jpeg
Image of PA282546.jpeg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
4 Lactarius subflammeus Hesler  &  A.H.  Sm. Collection
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Dagny  Lin Kania  Sugiarto,  Azalea  Redfern,  Lucas  Braun Dagny  Lin
Image of PA282498.jpeg
Image of PA282507.jpeg
Image of PA282504.jpeg
Image of PA282501.jpeg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
5 Ganoderma applanatum (Pers.)  Pat. Collection
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Wensen  Wang Kiana  Bowen,  Adam  Gierej Wensen  Wang
Image of PA282329.jpeg
Image of PA282326.jpeg
Basidiomycota pored  wood  decay  fungus
6 Russula  emetica  (Schaeff.)  Pers. Collection
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Kalen  Dofher Daniyal  Khuhro,  Gia  Khanna Daniyal  Khuhro
Image of PA282565.jpeg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
7 Cystoderma amianthinum (Scop.)  Fayod Collection
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Shim  Gicole Shim  Gicole
Image of PA282378.jpeg
Image of PA282375.jpeg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
8 Gerhardtia foliicola (Har.  Takah.)  N.  Endo,  S.  Ushijima,  Nagas.,  Sotome,  Nakagiri  &  N.  Maek. Collection
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Anne  Fuertes Anna  Praski Anne  Fuertes 
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Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
9 Hygrocybe  conica  aff. (Schaeff.)  P.  Kumm. Collection
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Sarandeep  Khella Anika  Santos Sarandeep  Khella
Image of PA282401.jpeg
Image of PA282399.jpeg
Image of PA282390.jpeg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
10 Mycena maculata P.    Karst Collection
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Megan  Wong Vanessa  Chow,  Sean  Chung,  Faye  Coldwell Megan  Wong
Image of 2023_wong.jpg
Image of PA282508.jpeg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
11 Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca (Wulfen)  Maire  ex  Martin-Sans Collection
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Vanessa  Chow Faye  Coldwell,  Sean  Chung,  Megan  Wong Vanessa  Chow
Image of PA282516.jpeg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
12 Clitocybe vibecina (Fr.)  Quél. Collection
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Hannah  Tahami Hannah  Tahami
Image of PA282198.jpeg
Image of PA282195.jpeg
Image of PA282193.jpeg
Image of PA282189.jpeg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
13 Mycena maculata P.  Karst. Collection
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Ekjaap  Athwal Ekjaap  Athwal
Image of PA282358.jpeg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
14 Hypholoma capnoides Kummer  1871 Collection
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Freya  Zhu Adam  Gierej
Image of N/A
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
15 Chondrostereum purpureum (Pers.)  Pouzar Collection
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Image of PA282208.jpeg
16 Collection
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Berbee  Test  Carmean1014
17 Collection
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aaBerbee  Test  Carmean
18 Genus Species Collection
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aaaBerbee  Test  Carmean Other  Collectors Determined  by
19 Collection
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aaaaBerbee  Test  Carmean
jelly  fungus
20 Collection
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Image of 25Oct08-12.jpg
21 Collection
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Berbee  Test  Carmean
asexual  fungus
22 Collection
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Berbee  Test  Carmean  449
Image of Jeff7857.JPG
asexual  fungus
23 Genus Species Species  Author Collection
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Berbee  Test  Carmean  Collector  aa Other  Collectors  Friends  Determined  by  me
Image of 2001Hardy_DNADSCN4636.JPG
jelly  fungus
24 Genus Species Species  Author Collection
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Berbee  Test  Carmean  Collector  25Aug  aa Other  Collectors  Friends  Determined  by  me
Image of 2001Hardy_DNADSCN4636.JPG
jelly  fungus
25 Collection
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Berbee  Test  Carmean
Image of Jeff7857.JPG
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