Capilano Fungi

Record List

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Restore Sort Order Species Data Entry Collector Other  Collectors Determined  by Click on Image for full size phylum material  collected
1 Chondrostereum purpureum (Pers.)  Pouzar Collection
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Image of PA282208.jpeg
2 Puccinia Modiolae P.  Syd.  &  Syd. Collection
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A.  Ansari N.  Bridson
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Basidiomycota other
3 Gymnopus confluens (Pers.)  Antonín,  Halling  &  Noordel.  1997 Collection
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Abby  Jackman Caitlan  Read Abby  Jackman
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Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
4 Hypholoma capnoides (Fr.)  P.  Kumm. Collection
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Adam  Gierej Kiana  Bowen,  Wenson  Wang Adam  Gierej
Image of PA282227.jpeg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
5 Laccaria amethystina Cooke Collection
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Adria  Hussain Laura  Machial,  Carmen  Scott,  Ashley  Johnston Adria  Hussain
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Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
6 Inocybaceae grammata Quél. Collection
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Ahniya  Ustymenko Ahniya  Ustymenko
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Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
7 Clavulina coralloides (L.)  J.  Schröt. Collection
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Aidan  Beresford Nick Aidan  Beresford
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Basidiomycota coral
8 Russula xerampelina Schaeff.  Collection
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Akbar  Alikhan Ornicha  Srimolka,  Isaiah  Becker-Mayer Akbar  Alikhan
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Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
9 Clavulina cf.  cinerea J.  Schrot Collection
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Alan  Cashman Kate  Garland,  Leilani  Ruffini Alan  Cashman
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Basidiomycota coral
10 Phaeolus schweinitzii Collection
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Alana  Shaw Alana  Shaw
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Basidiomycota pored  mushroom
11 Lepiota subincarnata J.E.  Lange Collection
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Aleksander  Walter n/a Aleksander  Walter
Image of 2022_walter.jpg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
12 Laccaria nobilis Gregory  M.  Mueller Collection
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Aleksandra  Anoshina Belinda  Sun Aleksandra  Anoshina
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Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
13 Russula mordax Burl. Collection
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Alex  Malecek Matthew  Campbell Alex  Malecek
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Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
14 Tapinella panuoides E.  -J.  Gilbert Collection
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Alex  Reitan A.  Lacey,  A.  Shaw,  L.  Petersons Alex  Reitan
Image of 2022_8220.jpeg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
15 Oligoporus  undosus (Peck)  Gilb.  &  Ryvarden Collection
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Alexandra  Brigham A.  Brigham  and  M.  Berbee
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Basidiomycota pored  wood  decay  fungus
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