Capilano Fungi

Record List

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1 Russula decolorans (Fr.)  Fr. Collection
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Yun  Ting  Pang Yun  Ting  Pang
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Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
2   Tulosesus sclerocystidiosus (M.  Lange  &  A.H.  Sm.)  D.  Wächt.  &  A.  Melzer Collection
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Kishoore  Ramanathan Jennifer  Mitchell,  Sewit  Yemane,  and  Mary  Chung Kishoore  Ramanathan
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Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
3 Discard  Russula emetica Schaeff.)  Pers. Collection
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Marija  Bozik Marija  Bozik
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Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
4 Russula emetica (Schaeff.)  Pers. Collection
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Marija  Bozik Nadia  Zhang,  Jenny  Kim,  Sneha  Gupta Marija  Bozik
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Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
5 Pluteus exilis Singer Collection
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Jenny  Kim  Nadia  Zhang,  Sneha  Gupta,  Marija  Bozic Jenny  Kim 
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Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
6 Crepidotus epibryus (Fr.)  Quél. Collection
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Jacob  Beauregard Tanveer  Khangura,  Amelia  Meredith,  Emilie  Robinson-Leith Jacob  Beauregard
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Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
7 Mycena sp.  (possibly  metata) (Fr.)  P.  Kumm. Collection
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Christine  Sun Tonya  Mo Christine  Sun
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Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
8 Hygrophorus  pusilla (Peck)  Murrill Collection
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Mukul  Rishi André  Rachinski,  Catherine  Ylo Mukul  Rishi
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Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
9 Pluteus plautus (Weinm.)  Gillet  1876 Collection
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Mary  Chung Kishoore  Ramanathan,  Sewit  Yemane,  Jennifer  Mitchell Mary  Chung
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Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
10 Rhodocollybia butyracea (Bull.)  Lennox Collection
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Catherine  Ylo André  Rachinski,  Mukul  Rishi Catherine  Ylo
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Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
11 Russula mordax Burl. Collection
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Shriya  Chamarty Fabrizio  Chow,  Jacob  Aragones,  Jordanne  Lefebvre Shriya  Chamarty
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Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
12 Inosperma maximum (A.H.  Sm.)  Matheny  &  Esteve-Rav.  Collection
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Sewit  Yemane Sewit  Yemane
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Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
13 Pseudoarmillariella ectypoides (Peck)  Singer Collection
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Jordanne  Lefebvre Fabrizio  Chow,  Jacob  Aragones,  Shriya  Chamarty Jordanne  Lefebvre
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Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
14 Calocera viscosa (Pers.)    Fr. Collection
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Jennifer  Mitchell Mary  Chung,  Sewit  Yemane,  Kishoore  Ramanathan Jennifer  Mitchell
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Basidiomycota jelly  fungus
15 Armillaria  ostoyea  Amer  Ansari Collection
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Emily  Trudeau Faezeh  Aliabadi Amer  Ansari
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Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
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