Capilano Fungi

Record List

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1 Postia guttulata Jülich  Peck Collection
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Darryl  Liu Andrea  Richter,  Lilli  Chung,  Roya  Farkhani Darryl  Liu
Image of 2022_8382.jpeg
Basidiomycota pored  mushroom
2 Cyathus striatus L.  Willd Collection
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Joanne  Kit Brianna  Archibald,  Gurveen  Bajwa Joanne  Kit
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Basidiomycota other
3 Ganoderma oregonense Murrill  1908 Collection
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Madeline  Filewych Mary-Clare  Kendrick,  Elliot  Evans Madeline  Filewych
Image of 2022_8171.jpeg
Image of 2022_8168.jpeg
Basidiomycota pored  mushroom
4 Melanoleuca verrucipes   Rolf  Singer  (Revue  Mycol.,  Paris  4(1):  68  (1939)) Collection
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Steve  Shan Steve  Shan
Image of 2022_Shan39.jpeg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
5 Lycoperdon perlatum Pers.  1796 Collection
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Mary  Clare  Kendrick Maddie  Filewych,  Elliott  Evans Mary  Clare  Kendrick
Image of 2022_8194.jpeg
Basidiomycota other
6 Aleuria aurantia Ian  Gibson Collection
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Andrea  Richter
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Ascomycota apothecium
7 Pluteus atromarginatus K.  Kuhner Collection
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Kelly  Tran J.  Fernandes,    J.  Yuen,  S.  Sidhu
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Image of 2022_8322.jpeg
Ascomycota gilled  mushroom
8 Phlebia Tremellosa (Schrad.)  Nakasone  &  Burds.  (1984) Collection
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Noel  Hancocks Noel  Hancocks
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Image of 2022_8250.jpeg
Basidiomycota jelly  fungus
9 Pluteus aff.  plautus (Weinm.)  Gillet Collection
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Zeenath  Aleaf Zeenath  Aleaf
Image of 2022_8245.jpeg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
10 Fomitopsis mounceae Haight  &  Nakasone Collection
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Tree  Hu Isalin  Gretland,  Tristan  Kozyniak,  Lana  Ladki Tree  Hu
Image of 2022_8210.jpeg
Basidiomycota pored  wood  decay  fungus
11 Hypomyces lactifluorum Tul.  &  C.  Tul.  1860 Collection
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Beatrice  Vandenberghe Beatrice  Vandenberghe
Image of 2022_8226.jpeg
Ascomycota perithecium
12 Amanita augusta Bojantchev&Davis Collection
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Gurveen  Bajwa Brianna  Archibald  and  Joanne  Kit Gurveen  Bajwa
Image of 2022_8317.jpeg
Image of 2022_8314.jpeg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
13 Paxillus  involutus  (Batsch)  Fr. Collection
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B.  Archibald  J.  Kit,  G.  Bajwa B.  Archibald 
Image of 2022_8306.jpeg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
14 Collection
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15 Mycena purpureofusca P.  Sacc  1887 Collection
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S.  Blum A.  Varghese,  S.  Peng A.  Varghese
Image of 2022_8429.jpeg
Image of 2022_8429.jpeg
Basidiomycota gilled  mushroom
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